Monday, October 27, 2014

La Vie En Rose

We photographed many sunsets and sunrises over the two weeks we were in North Carolina.  This post is to share some of our favorites with you.

Like we mentioned previously, we've gotten really into making gifs lately so we made some of waves.

One day we were on the upper deck and we saw some dolphins swimming in the surf.  We tried to take pictures, and this is the result.

There were a lot of amazing sunsets and sunrises over the ocean while we were there and it was really fun to try to capture them.

There are masses of massive birds that hang around the pier and eat all the bait they can get their beaks on. (They're so fat we are unsure of how they can fly.)

We're sure going to miss seeing the ocean every day- Lake Erie hardly holds a candle to it but we're still excited to return home to the beautiful fall colors.

Music for this post:  La Vie En Rose// Daniela Andrade (cover)

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