This post is to celebrate six years of putting up with one another.
We met at a book club in October of 2008 and bonded over our mutual love of cats. We still share that love to this very day.
The following year we went to North Carolina together for a week. We were there over halloween so there was a lot of pumpkin carving and dressing up involved.
This was our first of many Halloweens together. We regretted wearing footie pajamas because North Carolina is hot, even in October.
The summer of 2010 we both had long hair so we decided to donate it to Locks of Love together. Neither of us ended up liking our short hair very much but it's grown a lot since then and we don't plan on cutting it anytime soon.
We went on a road trip to Pennsylvania with our book club two summers ago. We had read a book about the Johnstown flood so we spent four days visiting the town, learning about the history, and having lots of fun. In this picture we're at one of the flood museums (there were way too many).
This is last winter at a book club where we learned endless ways to wear scarves (nobody could decide on a book so we substituted).
Sometimes we like to do silly things like go to JC Penny and try on all of the crazy dresses we can find. The workers weren't too happy with us for trying on so many with no intention of purchasing anything but we had a blast.
We've both been playing piano for a long time. We play duets together which is where we got the idea to make the 'Just Duet' shirts we're wearing in the picture above. We recently changed piano teachers but we loved our old teacher Mary like she was family. This picture was taken at our last recital with Mary this past Spring.
A celebratory selfie from when Annie got her braces off last June. That was a happy day full of dinner, a boat ride, and ice cream by the lake.
These are from these past two weeks while we've been in North Carolina on vacation together. We had photo booth open and we were messing around with all of the filters you can use, we were nearly in tears from laughing so hard a few times!
Though we've had out rough patches, (like anyone would) we are always there for one another to make each other laugh and smile. We became best friends six years ago and we plan on staying that way for a long long time.